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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Mauro Galeazzi” ,找到相关结果约6221条。
Effect of the Metallicity on the X-ray Emission from the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium
Eugenio Ursino,Massimiliano Galeazzi,Mauro Roncarelli
Physics , 2010, DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/721/1/46
Abstract: Hydrodynamic simulations predict that a significant fraction of the gas in the current Universe is in the form of high temperature, highly ionized plasma emitting and absorbing primarily in the soft X-ray and UV bands, dubbed the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM). Its signature should be observable in red-shifted emission and absorption lines from highly ionized elements. To determine the expected WHIM emission in the soft X-ray band we used the output of a large scale hydrodynamic SPH simulation to generate images and spectra with angular resolution of 14'' and energy resolution of 1 eV. The current biggest limit of any hydrodynamic simulation in predicting the X-ray emission comes from metal diffusion. In our investigation, by using four different models for the WHIM metallicity we have found a strong dependence of the emission on the model used, with differences up to almost an order of magnitude. For each model we have investigated the redshift distribution and angular scale of the emission, confirming that most photons come from redshift z<1.2 and that the emission has a typical angular scale of less than a few arcminutes. We also compared our simulations with the few currently available observations and found that, within the variation of the metallicity models, our predictions are in good agreement with current constraints on the WHIM emission, and at this time the weak experimental constraints on the WHIM emission are not sufficient to exclude any of the models used.
The registry for the systemic autoinflammatory syndromes of the Italian Society of Rheumatology
Leonardo Punzi,Mauro Galeazzi,Vittorio Modena,Stefano Bombardieri
Reumatismo , 2011, DOI: 10.4081/reumatismo.2006.1
Abstract: Le malattie autoinfiammatorie sistemiche (MAIS) sono un gruppo di affezioni di recente inquadramento caratterizzate da episodi infiammatori recidivanti, apparentemente primitivi, a carico di vari organi od apparati, in particolare articolazioni e cute (1). La definizione di auto-infiammatorie fa riferimento allo sviluppo apparentemente spontaneo di infiammazione associata ad uno sregolamento del sistema dell’immunità innata, senza coinvolgimento dei linfociti Tspecifici o di (auto)anticorpi specifici. Alcune di queste malattie costituiscono un subset delle MAIS chiamate “sindromi delle febbri periodiche ereditarie” che includono le note febbre mediterranea familiare (FMF) e sindrome da IperIgD (HIDS), ma anche la Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), l’orticaria da freddo familiare (FCU) e la tumor necrosis factor receptor-1-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), di recente definizione...
Expected properties of the Two-Point Autocorrelation Function of the IGM
Eugenio Ursino,Enzo Branchini,Massimiliano Galeazzi,Federico Marulli,Lauro Moscardini,Luigi Piro,Mauro Roncarelli,Yoh Takei
Physics , 2010, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18597.x
Abstract: Recent analyses of the fluctuations of the soft Diffuse X-ray Background (DXB) have provided indirect detection of a component consistent with the elusive Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM). In this work we use theoretical predictions obtained from hydrodynamical simulations to investigate the angular correlation properties of the WHIM in emission and assess the possibility of indirect detection with next-generation X-ray missions. Our results indicate that the angular correlation signal of the WHIM is generally weak but dominates the angular correlation function of the DXB outside virialized regions. Its indirect detection is possible but requires rather long exposure times [0.1-1] Ms, large (~1{\deg} x1{\deg}) fields of view and accurate subtraction of isotropic fore/background contributions, mostly contributed by Galactic emission. The angular correlation function of the WHIM is positive for {\theta} < 5' and provides limited information on its spatial distribution. A satisfactory characterization of the WHIM in 3D can be obtained through spatially resolved spectroscopy. 1 Ms long exposures with next generation detectors will allow to detect ~400 O VII+O VIII X-ray emission systems that we use to trace the spatial distribution of the WHIM. We predict that these observations will allow to estimate the WHIM correlation function with high statistical significance out to ~10 Mpc h^-1 and characterize its dynamical state through the analysis of redshift-space distortions. The detectable WHIM, which is typically associated with the outskirts of virialized regions rather than the filaments has a non-zero correlation function with slope {\gamma} = -1.7 \pm 0.1 and correlation length r0 = 4.0 \pm 0.1 Mpc h^-1 in the range r = [4.5, 12] Mpc h^-1. Redshift space distances can be measured to assess the dynamical properties of the gas, typically infalling onto large virialized structures.
Avalia??o e quantifica??o dos fitólitos presentes em Chloris elata Desv.,Chloris gayana Kunth e T ripogon spicatus (Ness) Ekman (Chloridoideae)
Giliane Gessica Rasboldhz,Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda,Marcelo Galeazzi Caxambú,Mauro Parolinl
- , 2012,
Abstract: A pesquisa caracteriza e quanti?ca os ?tólitos em Chloris elata Desv., Chloris gayana Kunth e T ripogon spicatus (N ess) Ekman (Chloridoideae). A extra??o dos ?tólitos da raiz, caule, folha e panícula/espiga, foi realizada via dissolu??o ácida (HNO3 e HZSO4) e após contagem e identifica??o, verificou-se a predominancia dos morfotipos “Saddle” (87,1% sem similaridade com as demais morfologias) e “Bilobate” (6,8%) nas três espécies. As medidas estabelecidas para esses morfotipos e os demais considerados representativos, n?o indicaram varia??es significativas entre as espécies. Nos cortes histológicos (folha e caule), verificou-se que o tipo “Saddle” apresenta-se de forma mais organizada e uniforme na folha do que no caule, as distancias entre os morfotipos “Saddle” foi maior no caule (média 22,8 um) e menor na folha (média 11,3 um). As espécies apresentaram valores de ?“C entre -14,6%o e 14,9%o (plantas de ciclo fotossintético C4). Os percentuais estimados de sílica foram menores para C. elata (1,87%) e maiores para C. gayana (5,12%)
Infliximab therapy for Crohn’s disease in the presence of chronic hepatitis C infection - Reply
M. Galeazzi
Reumatismo , 2011, DOI: 10.4081/reumatismo.2003.112
Abstract: Il trattamento del morbo di Crohn con infliximab rappresenta una importante terapia nei pazienti con la forma fistolizzata della malattia, refrattaria al trattamento con farmaci convenzionali. Tuttavia esistono preoccupazioni nell’usare questo farmaco in pazienti con concomitante infezione cronica da HCV. Tali preoccupazioni sono determinate dal rischio teorico di un accelerato scompenso epatico dovuto all’effetto immunomodulante dell’Infliximab. Noi descriviamo il caso di un paziente affetto da morbo di Crohn e concomitante infezione attiva da epatite C sottoposto a terapia con Infliximab che non ha mostrato alcun peggioramento della funzionalità epatica e dei livelli di carica virale testati con PCR.
Churg-Strauss Syndrome and pregnancy Successful treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin - Reply
M. Galeazzi
Reumatismo , 2011, DOI: 10.4081/reumatismo.2003.56
Abstract: La sindrome di Churg-Strauss è una malattia estremamente rara e ancora più raro è riscontrarla in una paziente in stato di gravidanza. Il trattamento iniziale della malattia consiste nella somministrazione di alte dosi di corticosteroidi. I pazienti più gravi o che rispondono poco o insoddisfacientemente ai corticosteroidi vengono solitamente trattati con farmaci citotossici. Le immunoglobuline somministrate per via endovenosa (IgEV) stanno dimostrando di essere efficaci nel trattamento di questa patologia, tuttavia non esiste un consenso universale sulla loro effettiva utilità nelle vasculiti sistemiche. Noi presentiamo il caso di una donna con sindrome di Churg-Strauss resistente al trattamento con corticosteroidi e ciclofosfamide. Allorché si riscontrò che la paziente era al 3° mese di gravidanza fu iniziata una terapia con alte dosi di IgEV con ottimi risultati. Questo caso conferma l’utilità del trattamento con IgEV della sindrome di Churg-Strauss e ne dimostra l’efficacia anche in stato di gravidanza.
Disease Activity and Bone Mineral Density of MCP Joints in Patients with Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis: Is There a Correlation?—A Study in Patients Treated with Methotrexate and an Anti-TNFα Agent
Ilaria Bertoldi,Georgios Filippou,Carlo Alberto Scirè,Valentina Picerno,Valentina di Sabatino,Antonella Adinolfi,Serena Pierguidi,Mauro Galeazzi,Bruno Frediani
ISRN Rheumatology , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/708323
Abstract: Background. Bone damage in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) includes an accelerated bone mineral density (BMD) reduction. The objective was to evaluate BMD variations of the metacarpophalangeal joints (MCPs) in patients starting treatment with methotrexate (MTX) or etanercept. Methods. Patients affected by RA or PsA with hand joints involvement and with moderate or high disease activity, were enrolled in this study. All patients underwent clinical examination, laboratory exams, and a DXA scan of the most affected hand, as assessed with an ultrasound examination at the baseline, at the time of enrolment and after 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Patients non-responders to MTX received combination therapy, while patients with no previous treatment initiated MTX. Results. 22 patients were enrolled. In both RA and PsA groups, BMD increased independently of the treatment. However, in the patients affected by RA, a slight BMD decrease was observed at the last checkup. Globally, the BMD variations of the MCPs were strongly correlated with the disease activity. At the reduction of DAS28, the scores corresponded an increase of BMD. Conclusions. MCPs BMD is inversely correlated to disease activity. BMD increase seems to be correlated with the response to treatment and not with the drug itself. 1. Introduction Bone damage in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) includes joint damage and accelerated bone mineral density (BMD) reduction [1], both at a local and generalised level. Bone damage is caused by an increased osteoclast activity and decreased osteoblast activation. This is mostly mediated by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-17, and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) [2–5]. The erosion represents the final result of this process [6, 7] and it can be considered the central feature of bone damage of both RA and PsA, although in PsA there are significant differences when compared with RA, with a pattern characterised by concurrent erosions and new bone formation [8–10]. However, bone in the proximity of inflamed joints is susceptible to BMD reduction and it precedes erosive damage on X-ray [11–16]. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA, DXA) is the gold standard for measuring BMD [17]. Previous clinical studies demonstrated an association between hand BMD and RA severity, including disease activity, functional impairment and joint destruction [11–16, 18–22]. However, only a little data is available on the association between hand BMD reduction and disease activity in
Monogenic Autoinflammatory Syndromes: State of the Art on Genetic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Issues
Francesco Caso,Donato Rigante,Antonio Vitale,Orso Maria Lucherini,Luisa Costa,Mariangela Atteno,Adele Compagnone,Paolo Caso,Bruno Frediani,Mauro Galeazzi,Leonardo Punzi,Luca Cantarini
International Journal of Rheumatology , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/513782
Abstract: Monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes (MAISs) are caused by innate immune system dysregulation leading to aberrant inflammasome activation and episodes of fever and involvement of skin, serous membranes, eyes, joints, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system, predominantly with a childhood onset. To date, there are twelve known MAISs: familial Mediterranean fever, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome, familial cold urticaria syndrome, Muckle-Wells syndrome, CINCA syndrome, mevalonate kinase deficiency, NLRP12-associated autoinflammatory disorder, Blau syndrome, early-onset sarcoidosis, PAPA syndrome, Majeed syndrome, and deficiency of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist. Each of these conditions may manifest itself with more or less severe inflammatory symptoms of variable duration and frequency, associated with findings of increased inflammatory parameters in laboratory investigation. The purpose of this paper is to describe the main genetic, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of MAISs and their most recent classification with the ultimate goal of increasing awareness of autoinflammation among various internal medicine specialists. 1. Introduction In the recent years, the identification of genes involved in the modulation of inflammatory and apoptotic processes and the improved understanding of mechanisms linked to the aberrant activation of the inflammasome, amultiprotein intracytoplasmatic scaffold complex synthesizing the biologically active interleukin- (IL-1), the prototypic master cytokine affecting nearly all cell types, have allowed the delineation of a new group of diseases called “monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes (MAISs)” [1]. From the etiopathogenetic point of view, in spite of the heterogeneity of genes responsible for the various MAISs (Table 1), the inflammasome represents an ideal point of convergence of most of these diseases, that is, the cell structure crucial to the regulation of innate immunity: its proper assembly allows for regular activation of caspase-1 and physiological production of proinflammatory cytokines, in primis IL-1β, necessary to respond to a heap of different danger signals, as bacterial peptidoglycans, genotoxic stress, and crystals. In the pathogenesis of many MAISs, the erroneous assembly of the inflammasome leads to an exaggerated conversion of pro-IL-1β to its active form and subsequent disproportionate overwhelming inflammatory response [2]. Table 1: Classification of the monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes. The term “autoinflammatory,” used in contrast to the term “autoimmune,”
A Microcalorimeter and Bolometer Model
M. Galeazzi,D. McCammon
Physics , 2003, DOI: 10.1063/1.1559000
Abstract: The standard non-equilibrium theory of noise in ideal bolometers and microcalorimeters fails to predict the performance of real devices due to additional effects that become important at low temperature. In this paper we extend the theory to include the most important of these effects, and find that the performance of microcalorimeters operating at 60 mK can be quantitatively predicted. We give a simple method for doing the necessary calculations, borrowing the block diagram formalism from electronic control theory.
Contribution of Unresolved Point Sources to the Diffuse X-ray Background below 1 keV
Anjali Gupta,Massimiliano Galeazzi
Physics , 2009, DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/702/1/270
Abstract: We present here the analysis of X-rays point sources detected in several observations available in the XMM-Newton public archive. We focused, in particular, on energies below 1 keV, which are of particular relevance to the understanding of the Diffuse X-ray Background. The average field of all the exposures is 0.09 deg^-2. We reached an average flux sensitivity of 5.8x10^-16 erg s^-1 cm^-2 in the soft band (0.5-2.0 keV) and 2.5x10^-16 erg s^-1 cm^-2 in the very soft band (0.4-0.6 keV). In this paper we discuss the logN-logS results, the contribution to the integrated X-ray sky flux, and the properties of the cumulative spectrum from all sources. In particular, we found an excess flux at around 0.5 keV in the composite spectrum of faint sources. The excess seems to be a general property of all the fields observed suggesting an additional class of weak sources is contributing to the X-ray emission at these energies. Combining our results with previous investigations we have also quantified the contribution of the individual components of the diffuse X-ray Background in the 3/4 keV band.

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